Tuesday, September 23, 2014

21 Day Drawing challenge

Now that I have completed my 365 Photo project, I am embarking on a challenge that I am pretty hesitant about.  It is the 21 Day Drawing Challenge and anyone who has had the opportunity to play Pictionary with me will readily agree that drawing is not something that comes naturally to me.  The challenge is a course that is on Lynda.com, http://www.lynda.com/Design-Illustration-tutorials/21-Day-Drawing-Challenge/164144-2.html, if you choose to take this on for yourselves. 

My motivation in taking this on is the desire to improve my drawing ability, even if it is only by a small amount.  I was never much of a doodler or sketcher but have admired the eye and abilities of those who seem to effortlessly make a sketch and have it look good.  I am trying to keep my expectations sort of low but don't want to set myself for failure by keeping the bar too low but I want it low enough that I don't get too discouraged. 

I am planning on adding pictures of my images daily thus continuing my 365 project :).  My supplies are purchased and I am ready to start today.  Hold on tight, this might be a bumpy ride....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


How quickly has the time gone by!  My baby is going to move from infancy to toddlerhood in just a few weeks and I am not ready.  Although I have been a stay at home mom, there is just not enough time or energy in every day to cherish every little moment.

I cannot imagine how different my life would be right if she had not come along to enrich every day as she has.  I would have still been going to school and probably would be almost finished with my Bachelor's degree at the end of May.  Eventually I intend to get my Bachelor's degree however, I am not sure if I will continue with Accounting as my Major.  I might look into other avenues, I intend to stay home and possibly do contract work it was a wonderful opportunity that I had when my older kids were young.

We are having the Oldest/Youngest B-day party this weekend for my Grandma who will be 95 and Aliya who will be 1.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

All things crafty...

A Modicum of Ingenuity
My daughter started a blog about all of the craft projects that she has been working on lately. She will have tutorials, detailed descriptions, lots of beautiful photographs and her wit and wisdom sprinkled throughout. It is a work in progress but I can't wait to see

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fun stuff going on in our lives...

We have had some fun stuff going on...

On Monday, AJ was interviewed by KUTV news and they recognized him for scoring a 36 on the ACT test and for being a participant in the Ken Garff Keys to Success program.  Here is a link to the interview in case you missed it.  http://connect2utah.com/libraries/nxd/media/?data=media_player&v=256467  No, unfortunately he didn't win the car but at least he had an opportunity to be involved in the program.  AP testing is finally over for the year and now he will be able to relax and enjoy his leisure time.  However, I believe that he is planning on serving the community by volunteering or perhaps getting a summer job or maybe he will still decide that he wants to take summer classes.

Jessica finished up her Spring semester and finals last week, interviewed for a job on Thursday, was hired on Friday and started Monday.  She is working full time as a Document Control Specialist Intern over the summer.  She has been coming home and having lunch with me and Aliya, we love seeing her!  We are planning on working on some craft projects together over the summer, probably just on the weekends now that she is so busy. I am always inspired by her can do attitude, she is not one who will be held back.

Our little one is growing like a weed!  She is just about out of all of her 3 mo clothing now, so this last week I pulled out the 6 mo clothes that she received at the baby shower.  We have had quite a few excursions together over the past few weeks - walks in the stroller, out to breakfast twice (slept through both meals), funeral of a family friend, Lindsey's graduation, visiting with friends and relatives, picking up the carpool.  It is fantastic that she is sleeping through the night too!  She is going down later than I would like but she stays asleep until around 9!  One of the activities she hates is tummy time, she just lays there and screams but the last few days I have been propping her up on her elbows so she can really look around. Last night when she was on her belly, she rolled over onto her back - another milestone!

I realized the other day that I have one child who is going to experience their first year as a child and one that will be experiencing their last year as a child, seems sort of bittersweet.  I am not sure what is going to happen with the summer yet, with everyone working, I think that transforming the office into the baby's room is going to fall on my shoulders. 

Blaine had wanted a new grill for the past few summers and he broke down and surprised us with a Traeger grill.  It is a new style grill that burns hardwood pellets rather than charcoal or propane.  There are a variety of woods to choose from and we have used apple and hickory so far.  I have been enjoying it immensely and since we have owned it we have cooked on it more than we did on our old grill in a year.  One of the great features is that it can act as a smoker and slow cook meats while infusing them with delicous smoky flavor.  The heat is indirect so you will not have the charring and flareups that you do with traditional grills.  No, this is not a paid endoresment but my heartfelt praise to this wonderfully versatile product.  Thus far we have made - ribs, hamburgers, asparagus, pizza, chicken, choclate chip cookies, and meatballs and pineapple kebabs.   I look forward to the summer and all of the great meals we will be eating!

Movies I've Recently Watched

  • Joan Rivers - A Piece of Work
  • Super Eight
  • House of Cards
  • The Switch
  • 127 Hours
  • It's Kind of a Funny Story
  • The Fabulous Mr. Fox
  • Moon
  • Her Alibi
  • The Social Network
  • The Kids are All Right
  • Bolt
  • Crash
  • Life as a House
  • True Grit
  • Religulous
  • Despicable Me
  • Charlie Wilson's War
  • Sunshine Cleaning
  • Fargo

Recent Reads...

  • Science of Parenting by Margot Sunderland, Jaak Panksepp - Dorling Kindersley (2006) - Hardback
  • D.H. Lawrence - The Rainbow
  • Bleak House - Charles Dickens
  • David Sedaris - Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk
  • Nora Ephron - I remember nothing : and other reflections
  • What to Expect When Expecting